Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Well folks, I survived another year at work. Yes, that's it, no more work till after the new year.
A swift three hours today and a swifter exit through the site gates and off home. An empty house and a couple of full bottles of red, mean a nice relaxing evening in front of the fire.

So we've been warned of the coldest winter for ten years, "Pah", it's so flippin mild here at the moment, the garden tubs have spring bulbs through. Even the bloody cat nips in and out like a fiddlers elbow, when normally at this time of year the little bag of fur is permanently stuck in front of the fire, as I am tonight.

Well, early start in the morning doing the airport run up to Newcastle. Two off to Lanzarote for a week and I'm not one of the two. However I do have a follow up visit to the airport....bringing the lucky buggers home next week.

I'll have to pop into the Joseph Simpson link and maybe get a few more lines down before the dragon gets home from work, she's on 2 till midnight tonight, all say "Awwwwwwwww".



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