Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Stuffed Cheeky

Another one bites the dust, so to speak. Soon be Xmas 06', for all those with a feeling of post-Xmas sadness. Quiet one here, and rather less of a chaotic and stressed out gathering as last year.
The next panic seems to be the shopping spree, but thankfully we don't seem to have the urgency others have to bag that all essential bargain, you know the one, the bargain that ends up in a dark recess of the bedroom cupboard, only to see daylight for the first time at one of the summers many car boot sales. Having said that, we have spent an afternoon in Darlington, mainly to exchange one of the prezzies I bought the better half. A book I knew I recognised the cover of, only to find out why.....she already had it.
A quick stop off for lunch in a local pub on the way, only haddock 'n' chips, and a rather disappointing pint of Fosters chilled, the barman had more of a chill than the flippin pint.

Little Monster Goes Techno...

Shock horror....Yes, it's true, Little 'Monster' got a mobile for Xmas, and guess who seems to be getting more calls, missed calls and texts all hours of the day. Today was no exception, sat in the boozer warming me hands on the non chilled pint of Fosters and off goes the phone,

Oh hell Monster wants to meet us in town. How she thinks shopping with us is gonna be less boring than shopping with mam and dad beats me.
Car parked in town, the free use of Sainsburys 2 hour car park does me fine. Two hours is just about enough for any bloke with a fear of the hunting packs of 'bargain hunting women'.
A swift exchange of the book prezzy and off went the bloody mobile, monster was on the prowl.
One child passed between parties and off we went. Why is it with a six year old on the end of my arm, all I hear is "I want, can I have, I need" etc etc.

Snow snow quick quick snow....

Yes, it's snowing heavens high, and tomorrow's the airport run, to bring happy holiday makers home. Bet they aint so happy when they land in Newcastle tomorrow night, hahaha.

Oh, I'll have to update the Joseph Simpson blog....Spielberg just wont wait, bloody impatient bloke he is.

So don't forget to check the 'link' when you find time...and yes 'K', that means you.


At 9:24 PM, December 29, 2005, Blogger Freddie said... Monster has her own phone uh..heaven help you now....

Drive safely to the airport..

As for Granda Jo,of course i'll be reading the updates,it's good reading..



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