Well the weekend seems to have flown over. Finished at midnight Friday night and came home and watched the movie 'The Lady in White'. A film I saw as a teenager all those few years ago.
Spent 45 minutes trying to remember where I'd watched it at, then the penny dropped, it was at the home of a young lady I was friendly with bloody years ago.
Saturday I had to be in Darlington at half past two to meet Bren, Sav, Dave and Thomas, to get our suits sorted for Nikkis wedding.
Me giving her away at her wedding, God, I never thought I'd be doing that job for anyone.
We got to the wedding shop to to be greeted by 'Little Monster' on the doorstep shouting "It's packed in their"....Seems Nikki had made a pre booking for the fitting, but the shop also allowed parties to just walk in and try on. Seems a bit daft to me, seeing as though they only have three fitting rooms. Anyway we all got 'suited and booted' and had a bit of a giggle at each other in the process. I was waiting for the inside leg measurement, but no, just a pin stuck in and a tape measurement taken on the table. Not me on the table, just me trousers.
Seems my idea of a vampire wedding wasn't what they wanted. Can't understand why.
The whole day brought to mind the new movie....'March of the Penguins'..
The better half had a text from Canada, winding her up over the Man U score. Freddies better half Steve, just had to remind her that City were stuffing United. Now personally I couldn't give a chuff, but at the end of the day I have to duck if the plates fly.
Maybe a reply text is in order the next time Rangers are behind.
Spent this afternoon taking mam to West Auckland. She wanted rid of a little cupboard she had from Grandads. Seems a shame to sell items like that, but after all we can't keep everything we want. Our lives would be overflowing if that was the case.
The antique man bought some of the furniture years ago my Grandparents had when the house was sold, and mam seems to think he makes a fare offer so it's up to her. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.
We had a look over to Evenwood whilst we were out, at My Granparents former home. It's a bloody disgrace to see the house boarded up downstairs and windows put out upstairs
.Seems Evenwood has followed in the footsteps of many old villages. dragged into the gutter by today's mindless, pathetic scum.......Gangs of brainless low life wandering the streets, destroying anything that doesn't interest them. Mam was born in the house, Grandad was born in the house and his father and mother lived there. Happiness, sadness, birth and death, all in this little two bedroom home, and now it seems this kind of home isn't good enough for todays 'I want, I will have' society.
On a lighter note, nice to see Ally has joined the crazy world of Blogging. Her blog can be found in the links, top right. Having said that, she might have been blogging for a while, but kept it quiet. What with a secret blog habit and a tongue as sharp as a Global knife.....(just thought I'd get my fave cookshop on the blog).....She maybe has a few more skeletons in the cupboard....Just kidding Ally.
The Joseph Simpson blog has been sort of left for a few days, so I'll have a look in a min and see what other Granda memories I can think of......
.............Spielberg will only wait so long.
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