Good evening bloggers
Well another days walk done, and a nice hot shower seems very tempting. Firstly I'll do today's blog then vanish under the steam from the shower head.
This morning we set of for Barnard Castle, without 'Little Monster' this week. Another moderately flat walk up Deepdale to the fishing lake, then returning back via Lartington and the Teesdale Way.
This morning the alarm seemed to go on forever, whilst the brain seemed to ignore the annoying beep forever. Tired, oh so tired, but I was determined to make the effort and get out into the fresh air. Fresh air ?.......bloody freezing outside. We arrived at Barnard Castle about 9.30 and soon were on our way.The start of Deepdale can be rather wet, muddy and altogether a boggy mess. But this morning the frost made it easier under foot, but seemed to nip ones ears. Usually Deepdale is full of the sounds of children and families enjoying the woodland, but not today. The only sound this morning was the birds above or the odd rabbit dashing for cover as the shaven headed monster came on through. We kept hearing a woodpecker farther up in the woods, and someone who shall remain nameless, said that Bill Oddie recommended knocking a tree to attract woodpeckers closer. Guess who knocked the tree like a right idiot, to be confronted by.........NOTHING. The woodpecker carried on knocking, and probably was doing the bird version of morse code..Im sure the pattern of knocks it did spelt out "Look at that prat down there knocking that tree with his knife"
The woods were quite eerie being so silent, Blair Witch came to mind more than once. The track comes out at the fishing lake, and at the fishing lake the tea and sandwiches come out. The problem of stopping this time of year is the cold weather. The wind blowing off the lake was nithering, so after a short break we continued.
Lartington is a pretty dales village, and the track takes you past Lartington Hall, another gem of the dales.
The old railway line seems to be kept closed. Years ago it seemed to be used more as a footpath, but now it seems as though they try to keep you off it. We therefore continued under the track and across fields full of those bloody nosy bags of wool we call sheep. Dales sheep seem harder than your normal sheep sheep, these don't tend to move when you come across them.
Joining the Teesdale Way we headed back to 'Barny' and came across a riverside smallholding, they had free range eggs in a basket outside the gate, with a note asking for donations for the eggs. Money was going to the local hospital in Darlington. Why can't we all have trust like that, if that was nearer the town the eggs would most likely be stolen and the money definitely.
We called for a pint in a pub that I'm sure time has forgot and eventually made our way to the car for a slow drive home, and a nice chicken curry homemade by oneself.
Well I feel the shower is needed, and that's where I'm off. I added some photographs from today onto the flickR thingy in the side bar to the right. Didn't take many, I tend to think one Dale looks like the rest. Tomorrow morning I'll have to go to the gym, as yesterday morning passed by so quick I didn't make it.
So till the next time, take care and don't do anything Cheeky wouldn't.
Before I do go, Look here and help this guy win a bet
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