Saturday, June 24, 2006

We will overcome...

Carols Friday hospital visit resulted in one of the worst results we could imagine. We both entered the room with high hopes, but came out in tears. She needs all the support and love I can give at the moment......I just hope all I can give is enough. having said that, We're determined to carry on as normal.

'Monster' wanted to go up a lighthouse. So today, even though we didn't feel like it, we took her to Souter lighthouse. She took her friend Jessica along, and i'm so pleased they both seemed to enjoy the experience.

The day wasn't too bad, Carol was rather quiet, and understandable, but I felt I had to put on a face for 'Monster' and her friend.

Both kids enjoyed climbing up to the top of the lighthouse, they must have been the noisiest visitors this year, but the lighthouse keeper said they were a joy......I fear lighthouse keeping frazzles the brain.

Returning home we took 'Monster' to our house. She'd slept on the way home, so woke full of energy. Blake and his cousin Jessica came down to play. I say play, but they all had me on the lawn in a heap. A heap that was belted and kicked till the ice-cream visit to the fridge was agreed.
Nobbly Bobbly ice creams all round, and the scene retreated to a more sedate level.

The violence erupted again when a game of 'tag' ended with me, again on the floor, and three bloody little sods piled on top.

Oh yes they can look sweet...

And somewhat "cough cough" angelic

But believe me....the little horrors made ones hair stand on end


At 11:50 AM, June 25, 2006, Blogger Freddie said...

love and hugs to Carol..Steven and i will keep her in our prayers that all is well..
i'm sure you just being there will be enough for Carol..Chee
Maybe instead of dressing up as a can dress up as a Nurse with the little hat an all on..i'm sure that would bring a big smile to Carols face..haha


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