Well the quick rethink yesterday morning led to a day across to the Yorkshire moors, Goathland to be precise. To those of you who watch 'Heartbeat', Goathland is the village used on many of the shots, although these days a lot is filmed in studios.
We did call for lunch on the way, funny how food always seems to be involved in my days out. If 'monster' can have a fairground ride, I can have a restaurant. The Grapes pub just happened to have a play area at the side, it always makes for a peaceful meal if there's a play area.
All 'monster wanted from Goathland was the steam train ride, but on arrival it was a bloody diesel gala day, therefore no steam trains in use.
We did the tourisy bit of visiting the sites from the series, the most important being the pub. In fact 'monster' got asked to leave, seems kids weren't allowed in the bar. She was chuffed to bits as we sat outside with our drinks, chuffed that she could watch Heartbeat tonight, point at the screen and say, she was barred from that pub.
On route to the station we came across a sign warning of a weight restriction on the bridge, the fact that monster kept looking at the sign, then me, gave one a suspicious sort of feeling.

A quick photo with the creature we know as monster, she's the one with hair.....
and it was off home, a journey she missed through falling asleep in the back of the car. Only to wake up at home full of energy for a night of mayhem.
And yes Ally, I found a church for the usual window photos.....A vampire needs his graveyard fix.

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