Monday, February 13, 2006

Tonight Matthew...

Well, another week of early shifts, and they aint getting any easier.
Not a bad day to be honest, steady workload in hell, and even the odd walkabout away from the job. Don't you just know it's going to be a short dull post, when the first topic is work. We're still a house of cards (See yesterday) but tonight they're all different. Seems the designs have been modified slightly, the last ones were the ones, but now they're not. So guess who's keeping out of it....

Received an unexpected e-mail last night from an old friend, not old as in old, just haven't been in touch for a while. Well to be honest it arrived on the 8th, but with MSN filling it under a different box, I didn't find it. Anyway my apology for not replying should be in your 'inbox', and hopefully not under 'trash'. The kind words about the blog, and general enquiries about the family were most appreciated. (Remember the washing in the garden, and the department

Harry's knees are now like medicine balls, or is it his balls are like his knees. Oh I forget now, but he's still got another month off work. Lazy little git. Seems he needs knee replacements, but he's been told he's too young. At 60 I'd have thought it the perfect time, to enable a few years of pain free movement. Not to wait till he's less able to move due to old age....Bloody national health.
Micks still off work with blood pressure, I think maybe he's flown over that nest. If I say "another lazy git", do I seem to radiate an aura of jealousy.

Well, jimjams are on, showering has been completed, and slumberland is calling.

Finaly, for the benefit of Ally on Orkney......" Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be....... Grumpy Vampire "


At 12:50 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger AllyBally said...

......" Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be....... Grumpy Vampire "

Some things never change!


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