Saturday, July 08, 2006

As promised...

Well I'm here.
This morning the 'Monster phone went off about 10am. Monster wanted to go to the seaside because someone had told her today was to be the hottest day of the year. What a load of @rap....The day started cloudy and cool, and to be honest it got cooler as it went along. Carol had to go and buy a few bits and bobs for hospital on Monday, and I know 'Monster ' doesn't understand, but I still got a shock when Carol agreed she could come.
We made our way to the Metro Centre. 'Monster' started well, but soon turned to the "I want" kid that I'm sure most parents know. God she wanted everything. But now Carol comes first, and I think 'Monster' got the message that she wasn't the centre of attraction today.
On the way we passed some kind of fair, so as expected, she wanted to call on the way home.
It wasn't as good as we expected, but she did win a giant football on the hook a duck. It cost me £2, and must be worth at least 50p, so 'Monster' thinks it was a bargain.

We called at Tesco tonight, and did the usual wander around the departments you don't need.
I came out with a box of blue lights for the garden. For Gods sake don't ask why, I just did....

Well that's the first attempt at attaching them to our brolly above the garden table.

I tried to take a photo of Carol and myself, but failed due to the lack of light, and the excess of alcohol.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.........more than likely a hangover..


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