Oh look, my horoscope for today. Now let's see.
You mustn't expect any enormous changes today, dear Scorpio. However, the process you began three or four years ago will accelerate slightly. You are changing the moorings of your identity, the ideas that make you sure of who you are. Your family, background, and education no longer count as much as your own spiritual foundations. Don't be afraid of this shift - go with it.
You mustn't expect any enormous changes today....another dull day at work then
However, the process you began three or four years ago will accelerate slightly....so tonights Euro Is mine eh. I can tell the boss to go take a hike today then.
You are changing the moorings of your identity....nope, don't own a boat.
Don't be afraid of this shift - go with it....take it astrologers don't work 2 till 10
Well guess who fancied a nice lie in this morning, only to have the ‘monster phone' call sometime before 8am. Seems she fancied a little chat whilst slurping on her soggy weetabix. Bless the little child, and damn the mobile technology.
Seems the £20 top-up card I so kindly purchased for her, might come back round and bite me on my pert little bottom. No comments please Freddie.Lupin posted a comment yesterday, about her concerns for the welfare of Sidney spider. No worries Lupin, He seems to have found his own little cosy corner of the coffin, just under the left hand edge of me satin pillow. Yes, vampires have needs too you know, and a nice plump satin pillow is an absolute necessity. The only slight, and I emphasise slight concern, might be the bats. One seems to have his beady eye on Sidney, but worry not Lupin, all seems well in the crypt at present.
All quiet from Canada, hope I haven't upset anyone....Actually, upseting might be better than annoying.....Oh dear, you don't want to go annoying Freddie. Ever seen 'Nightmare on Elm Street' ???
Friday, January 20, 2006
She comes to you in dreams
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