Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Gonk halts MOT.....

Today's excitement came in the riveting form of taking the second car for it's medical, or should I say M.O.T. The fact that my nightshift beauty sleep was disturbed, made the garages free coffee machine very welcome.
The last M.O.T led to a rather excited mechanic pointing out that it had only done 1000 miles in the year since its last test, the words "Get a life mate" came to mind. But when the rather surly receptionist asked "have you been tampering with it Sir?" in one of those non funny sort of tones, the words "Careful mate" entered ones bonce.

However, this years little M.O.T. tale, revolves around the 'Red nose day' gonk hanging from the mirror.
After an hour of coffee and an endless supply of 'God our cars are good' magazines to peruse, The walk of death to the desk was upon me. "Right Sir, there's your Test fail certificate, there's your emissions results and there's your test pass certificate.....Now correct me if I'm wrong, but surely a fail and a pass without any work being done is rather unusual.
On questioning the FAIL, the explanation was given that maybe there was something either stuck on the windscreen, or hanging from the mirror. “Er, there's a smelly gonk hanging. "Well Sir, that would probably be the cause". "And the PASS ?" "The mechanic must have removed it, issued the PASS, then replaced it for you Sir."...............How bloody complicated.
The best bit was the fact that the new style certificate has a sticker attached to the bottom. "That's to go on the windscreen Sir, to remind you next year."

"But didn't you just say a sticker on the windscreen could mean it failed ?, Oh forget it.

.......and all this whilst replying to Freddies text....Garage calling Canada, come in Canada


At 11:08 PM, February 21, 2006, Blogger Freddie said...

Are you sure you sent it to the right # FOOL..i didn't get an answer...lol..

At 2:06 PM, February 22, 2006, Blogger Cheeky said...

If that bloody phone company over there sorted out it's end, I could click 'reply'....Hmmm, I wonder who receives my texts when I do click 'reply'. lol


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