Soon to be in hell...
Been a quiet weekend, no walking and no new pictures. Tonight is the first nightshift of the week, so you can imagine the bloody mood i'm in.
Been thinking of making the effort to get back into photography like when I was a wee nipper. Seems I soon lose interest with things these days. A concentrated effort is needed to get off this grass verge, and find a way back onto the road. I know what I mean if your a little perplexed.
Had a bit of good news yesterday. I won the lottery bonus ball at work. A roll over as well. I forgot it wasn't won last week. £70 will do nicely thank you. There'll be a few words tonight from the lads.....I won't wind them up, honest.
As we speak, a gift should be winging it's way here across the Atlantic, well if Freddies remembered to post it. Pity I can't get to it now and do the usual shake, prod, squeeze, sniff and rattle.....
....and tonight's prayer is - "Oh Lord, make me more mature when it comes to pressies. Amen"
Been thinking of Joseph a lot lately. Seems a need to be in touch is growing inside. Words that should have been spoken when they could have been received, are now just thoughts in a world that nobody knows. Even now, after all the years behind us, his advice and guidance is so importantly needed.
Maybe soon.
Well, one must get ready for work.
Did they have cameras when you were a nipper, Cheeky?
Surely it was portrait painters in those days?
Or possibly cave artists?
Attacked from all angles now.....Revenge is sweet, I'm on my way Ally.
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