Bug stops play...
Well hello again, yes it's me. Not been very well this weekend, therefore that's my excuse for no posting. Saturday we did the walk I planned. 'Little Monster' took to being the child from hell most of the trip, I just knew on Friday night she was in one of those moods.
Saturday morning brought no more snow than what we had on Friday night, but over the Lakes you never know. As we approached Cumbria you could see the tops had a covering of snow, but not as much as we expected. I was pleased really, having 'Monster' with us, but she was gutted.
The sun shone as we set off from Ambleside and all seemed fine as we trod through Rydal estate heading towards Rydal Mount.
Seems every man and his dog was out walking, and a short distance along the estate track 'Monster' really did see a man and his dog. The local farmer was out feeding his sheep, much to the amusement of 'Monster'. She couldn't understand how he got them to eat in a straight line, not realising he'd spread the feed across the field in a straight line. I think she feels Cumbria has the most intelligent sheep anywhere.
Now don't get me wrong, we all need a rest now and then, but how come she always has to have the biggest sofa...... The day went well, but the promise of a 'big' cave at the end had to be repeated constantly to keep 'Monsters' interest. She seemed to be in one of those I'm going to twist all day moods, and boy did it wear thin to the end of the day.
We reached Rydal cave around lunch time, and for a few moments we were the only ones inside, but then the rabble appeared in the distance, even 'Monster' seemed quiet compared.
We spent a little time inside the cave, but soon made our way out and on down the fellside towards Grasmere, with 'Monster' getting more and more twisty with every step. The only thing that attracted her was the frozen lake, and trying to keep her from venturing onto the ice was a bloody task and a half.

On the way home, I remembered the stone circle outside Keswick, and after giving her a rather dark tale of witches and goblins dancing around the ring, she seemed excited to experience the dark side.....no bloody luck, a quick run around the ring, ruining the rather professional looking photographers picture, and that was it. Homeward bound.......and one grumpy girl, ready for bathtime.
Sunday morning brought some sort of bug, I was floored. I couldn't move without stomach cramps and the panic stricken dash to the loo. The biggest upset was I didn't dare attempt to go to Caitlins christening, I wasn't in the best of moods anyway but this really pi**ed me off. Bob called round to take our gift, and I prepared for a long boring day spent trying not to move. I think I've broken all records for the 'porcelain dash'.
I'll put a couple more pictures either on the FlickR thingy on the right, or on Cheeky pictures....or both.
I can hear screams downstairs, so I take it Man United aren't having a good game. I better go and see if the other half's put her foot through the TV yet.
Women......who'd av em ???
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