Ta Freddie...
Me pressie came today, after winging it's way from Canada. Lots of goodies and a specially engraved keyfob with Joseph's photo on. Very nicely engraved, so much that it looks like a hologram. It now takes pride of place next to his brass token from the colliery, on my key ring.
Nice ending to one hell of a hectic shift. Machine refused to do as it was told, so received rather a lot of clouts with the hammer we keep near by, for such instances. Came out of work to find the car covered in a layer of ice, seems we're in for a bad few days of snow. I'll believe that when I see it. This time last year the view out the front looked like this...
Well the hot shower in the bathroom calls loud and clear, so I think I'll say goodnight and catch ya later.
Hi Chee..so glad you liked it..
try not work to hard buddy..hey who knows..one day we might win the lotto and wave Goodbye to work forever..
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