This and that....
What with this and that, and a bit of the other, I aint been on the blog scene for a few days now. Don't worry Fred, the still heart remains still.
Had a day of visiting Mam for Mothers Day, visiting the gym and having a visit from monster.
Mam was her usual "Oh you shouldn't have bothered", the gym was busy to start, but soon emptied. The "Hi buddy" personal trainer took a wide berth when I walked in. Seems he realised last time I grunted in his direction, it meant I didn't want to pay £40 extra for his instruction. If he just leaves me alone to wobble and jiggle on the jogger, we'll be ok. If not I fear we'll clash again. And I have money on me winning.
The Monster visit led to a rather heated family game. Aren't these family board games supposed to bring us together ?. Well this one almost started World War III. Seems monster has the knack of cheating down to a fine art. Maybe she's watched me too closely.
Three guesses as to the game......I swear Monster nearly blew a gasket when I charged her for landing on my water works. She soon shut up when I trespassed over her bloody Strand. With her being the banker, it made the Great Train Robbery look like a kid pinching sweets. She dipped into the flippin bank every time I took a swig of me glass of red. I swear that child has me worked out.
......and I'll never forgive her for nearly wetting herself when I got sent to jail. No comments Fred or Ally.
I see Planet Earth is on now, so I really better dash to catch a glimpse.
Monster wants her blog updating with her victorious win at Monopoly, I just want to know where she pulled that £500 note from. The little git must have deep pockets, or loose sleeves.
Nice to get a message from Briz the other day. It's hard to explain to those who don't understand. But my inability to keep in regular touch must look as though I'm one impolite son of a bitch......but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I wish I could open my thoughts and feelings to all, but then again I don't.
Life can be so complicated, and yet to most......some of us just seem devoid of any feelings. But feelings can sometimes be the last thing some want to share.
I'll always pray I was just a fraction of the man Joseph was.

I swear I'll work out your strategy monster.......I fear 'little cheat' is your middle name...or am I a bad loser ???
You know Chee..i know it wasn't ment to but your Blog today brought a tear to this cold heart of mine..if ever you need know where i am and how to get in touch if you want to talk..
take care..i'll still be here when your feeling better..
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