Friday, April 21, 2006

It's the end...

Well, another end to another week on the journey to a final death.
The week hasn't been too bad, and the fact that Stan has been my workmate, is a major factor in the good week. He's off to New York next wednesday, so look out New York, and have a fantastic time Stan. On that topic, It means Ken is back. He might be a canny bloke, but not the best to work with. The fact that he's probably going to lose his job in the next two weeks wont help.
Called round mams after work, Sheila was calling later, so rather than let her walk, I went to pick her up. Saw the better half going to work whilst driving to Sheilas. Why is it when you try to do a good deed, you can feel guilty. I check on mam most days, If she wants anything, I'm there. But would it have been better to say "No" and come straight home to see Carol off to work....I'm sick of thinking about the best way of doing things. Yes Carol is the most important person in my life, but Mam has to be up there on the same par. Life can suck.

The cat has just walked past me feet, so guess who has to open the garden door and boot the furry one out into the garden. You might think of me as cruel, booting the cat into the darkness. But don't worry, it's the electric pads built into the stepping stones over the lawn that make her jump.........Oh shut your mouths, I'm only joking.

Mind you, the cat has this ability to give one that devil look.

Off walking in the Lake District in the morning, well I hope we are. Sometimes the morning ideas of getting up, tend to blur into ideas of "stuff today, I need a lie in"

Still, at the moment my thoughts are of climbing onto Skiddaw, and dropping down into Dodd Wood, to let Carol spend time watching her friends incubate their eggs. All through a telescope may I add.
One Cheeky is off to pack a rucksack, and shower ones bod....The showering of ones bod being the most important task tonight. You never know when you might need it.

Before I sign off, may I add my thoughts and prayers to Ivan McGlen. A lovely man who guided me through my apprenticeship after leaving school. A lovely neighbour, and more importantly at the time, a man who guided me throughout the maze of the workplace, in the first years of my working career. To a man and friend who recently lost his brave fight with cancer, may my thoughts and blessings join you in your next life.

........I'll be there on Wednesday Ivan.

Till the next time......Take care. Oh and Rabb, I hope you, Paul and the girls are well. Keep in touch.

....and Freddie, tell Jolene the Honda is tuned to perfection, and awaiting the first emergency call for beer deliveries to Yorkshire.....If needed. X


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