Thursday, April 13, 2006

Well, announcement was made yesterday. Seems the company and jobs are relying on 3 large orders, the first 2, surprise surprise, we haven't got, the 3rd seems to be as likely as me losing weight. Any job loses are going to be spared for another 2 weeks or so, until we find out about the last contract.....The union told us not to hold our breaths. That's the technical union term no doubt.
Had a good day considering, the job went well, even though Stan has the thought of maybe having to look for another job soon. God he can talk, makes me sound silent. He's a good workmate though so far. If the future was a little more secure, maybe we'd get farther in the training process.
Last day today till Tuesday. The company owe us an hour each year, so we take it at Easter, don't ask why cos I don't know. Therefore this mornings crew go in 6 till 1, and the 'A' Team (us) go in 1 till 8, YIPPPPEEEE..........

Must buy Sam and Eve their eggs, might just pop some money in an Easter card, surely they'll have plenty of chocolate. They do like chocolate though, hmm, might just get a little egg each...and some money, God they're spoilt.........

Must dash......catch ya later.


At 9:22 AM, April 13, 2006, Blogger AllyBally said...

The 'A' Team, huh?

You'll be "Howlin' Mad" Cheeky, then!?



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