Tuesday, July 11, 2006

getting there...

Not been back long from visiting Carol. An 8.30am operation and back on the ward 5.30pm.
I must admit I feel a little easier tonight. An end to this part of the process is a big relief for Carol, especially being told the next few days should see a big improvement after the initial trauma of the op. She was understandably rather 'out of it', but still was able to pass that look of "look after the cat, or else" across all the techno machines she's hooked up to. Oh, the cat at present is asleep in the other room...and I swear just waiting for bloody 2am, to come and demand to be let out. Problem is I'm sure the cat will somehow telepathically let Carol know if I boot it out now and leave it out.

Thanks for the text Freddie. I got it at the bedside, showed Carol, and she smiled at the long distance 'best wishes', all the way from Hamilton.

Let's just see what a new day brings tomorrow, there's talk of getting her up if she's well enough...I bet the cat says the same of me at 2 in the morning. Little sod.



At 9:07 PM, July 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just sending some good wishes to you and Carol mate! Like the nurse. Buy a catflap!


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