Nearly Friday.. Yippee
Evening, just been looking around some of the many weird and wonderful blogs, I noticed some have photographs in a little viewing box from flickr. I like the fact that my pictures would be accessed from here rather than just another blog. Well I think that's what it does. The one I saw had a small selection of photographs, and on clicking it opens up to full size pics. I'll have to have a look and see just how difficult/easy it is to get it onto the blog. Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is where Lupin comes in, but I daren't ask. One doesn't want to seem a pest, does one.
I wonder if you've been looking at the Yahoo award page ? Now there's some people with too much time. Well that's not fair, more like fantastic imaginations To say "too much time" must be a slight overflow of jealousy dripping from ones bottom lip. I'd love to be able to create the likes of such masterpieces in the wonderful web world. But no, all I have is an 'Eggs is Eggs' blog and the Joseph Simpson one. I did create monster her own blog, but as most 6 year olds, she has so much to do, blogging is only a minor part of her little, exciting life. Oh, there's the Cheeky Pictures blog, but that might go soon if I get this flickr thingy I want.
Nice to see the buddy blogs are still going strong. Lupin seems to be a constant web creator, don't you hate it when people do so well, at something you get bloody stuck at....joke. Fred seems to be well into sharing her days routine of work and family life, with a small slice of havin a go at a Chee. And the goat fearing Ally, seems to enjoy sharing daily thoughts of wisdom, from the depths of her wee bonce. Seems they breed em well 'up yonder'. Allys that is, not the goats.
Well rather than sit here till the last minute as I have been doing lately, I'm going to sign off and get sorted for the last 8 hour nightshift this week. Friday's shift is only 6 till midnight, so plenty of time to get beauty sleep before Saturdays walk over the Lake District. Oh I didn't tell you did I, Saturday I'm off over the lakes for the first Cumbrian walk this year. Only a nice flat one around Derwent water, but hey, it's only the start of February. I'll get some photographs hopefully, and maybe put them on my new flickr thingy, if i've worked it out by then.
Cheerio for now. Hey Stupid, yes you Freddie. I'll be in touch in a few hours if your around.
Oh the joys of Trans Atlantic eye spy during nightshift.
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