Not too bad a heed...
The morning after the night before wasn't too bad. Seems the expected hangover never thank the Lord for small mercies.
Had a quiet day today, watched the Newcastle match then headed to the local Tesco store. I don't know who had the bigger crowd, the match or bloody Tescos. Had a bit of trolley rage whilst shopping. I can't work out just why the hell do people have to stand in the center of an aisle and chit chat......Don't they realise some people don't use the shop as a meeting venue, and just want to get out as fast as possible.
'Little Monster' phoned tonight, wanting to come and stay the night. It didn't take her long to pack a bag and round she came. The kitchen door flew open, and in she came like a little tornado. Bang goes the Sunday morning lie in.
I had a shout again on last nights Euro Lottery, and before you compose all your begging letters, it was a piddly £7.40, so can't purchase the cottage in the country with a cow in the back garden. The cow, before you ask, is what 'Little Monster wanted if we won the £105,000,000 on Friday. Why a cow I hear you ask, well seems she wants to milk it.......Bet your as confused as me eh.
Had a little mess with the blog template, but what a flippin' carry on. Why is it that I always seem to get carried away changing the code, and forget to save the altered template. The number of times I lost the lot is quite scary. I said "LOT" Freddie, not "PLOT" as well as I know, I lost the plot years ago.
Speaking of Freddie, seems she's well enough to return to work Monday.......
.........Hahahaha, join the club.
Well, one better make a move away from this bloody screen, feels like I've been here all night. Repeat after me, "I must get a life, I must get a life."
"I must get a life..I must get a life" something ment to happen now ??..i don't feel any different..
couldn't your win on the Lotto been a biggie Chee..then i wouldn't have to go back to
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