Friday, January 27, 2006

Bloggin spots going...

Firstly, to all the folks who expressed concern about my spots. May I put your mind at rest, and try to convince you all......I haven't got 'Bird Flu', never had 'Bird Flu' and wouldn't like 'Bird Flu'.

However, if the government are handing out the same levels of compensation as they did for 'Foot & Mouth'....I have 'Bird Flu', always had 'Bird Flu' and would like 'Bird Flu'

Just returned from a night out down 'Bish'...Or for anybody who isn't from round here, Bishop Auckland.
Since the diet, I've had one pint of lager, one glass of red and one glass of white. Tonight, may I add, I've broken all records, and the diet starts again tomorrow.
My bed seems to call to me louder than it did ten years ago, either I'm getting older or the call is getting louder.
Tomorrow I'm going to change the look of the blog. I changed it to something like how I want yesterday, but the bloody site crashed and I lost the lot. Me being a man of the world, I had too many life changing things to do, and so couldn't find the time to re-edit the template.

One must retire to the crypt and get ones beauty sleep, so may I wish you all haunting nightmares and don't let the bats bite. Till tomorrow......


At 2:02 AM, January 28, 2006, Blogger Freddie said...

i'm glad to see you made it home ol' fella..
it must be the bed calling louder becuase if it were you getting older..your hearing would be gone and you wouldn't hear it calling..Hahahaha


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