Bloggin spots before me eyes.
Woke today as normal for this shift, 5am sharp and no brain in sight. Quite a mild morning actually, compared to the past few gonad shrivelling mornings we've had to endure. Got to work looking like an anemic zombie, but not a problem after the obligatory 'Rocket fuel' cup of coffee. Seems everyone had that mid week downer today, but a cold hand strategically place on Steves bald head soon got the ball rolling. I don't feel I can repeat what lovely comments came from his mouth, and all in my direction.
Around 11 ish I noticed a warm tingling on my forearm, and on closer inspection saw the biggest patch of what I call heat spots. Bloody loads of them, and the more I looked at them, the more they looked back at me.....and itched. Now then, around 1 this afternoon the normal 'Ooo were going home soon' energy peak hit, but another set of peaks were on my mind, the bloody spots on me legs and feet. By this time I must admit to walking like a constipated giraffe, trying to walk a certain way to scratch your feet at the same time doesn't do much for ones appearance. By home time at 2 I was bloody itching from head to foot, obviously something was irritating the hell out of me.
The gym was on the agenda straight after work, but the thought of scratching my way around the changing rooms tended to put me off slightly. But, as they say "the show must go on"
The gym actually wasn't too bad, must have taken my mind of the constant itch, but after a hot shower I felt as though I was on fire. My skin felt like it was burning, and only now is it calming down. I haven't got a clue as to the cause of the itching, but things hopefully will be back to normal tomorrow.
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