Nearly, but not quite Freddie.....
Had a good walk yesterday, and as I thought we went to Bassenthwaite. The Ospreys were staying either on, or around the nest, and who can blame them when it's a dull murky old day. Well, to be honest the day wasn't too bad weather wise. But the low cloud made the photos rather foggy.
We drove into the car park at 9am, the first people there apart from the girls opening the teashop. A quick sort out and we were off.
The first port of call was the Osprey view point in Dodd wood. Again we were the first there, apart from the red squirrels and great tits dining together on the feeders. No sight of the ospreys yet, so we set off on our walk through the forest, and up onto Dodd summit. Very quiet actually, only one couple and some bloke on the top were met. Seems Carols bird watching is rubbing off slowly, the sight of a kestrel below us hunting, and a very handsome buzzard soaring in the thermals was a sight for sore eyes. Funny how we call them thermals, when it was actually freezing on the summit.
A couple of photograph opportunities meant the dragon had started to make her way down first.The sight of her laid out as I caught up was quite confusing. Had she fallen ? had she taken ill ? was the mountain rescue needed..... NO, she was warming up a bee. Yes that's what I said "warming up a bee". Seems the sight of two bumble bees struggling in the cold was too much. How the hell she knew they were cold beats me. But the one that was the coldest (according to the dragon) was scooped up in rainbow gloves, and warmed.
Can I add, our resident bee expert placed said bee, back onto the plant...arse up
....poor sod
We called back at the viewpoint on our return, and this time we witnessed the female osprey leaving for food. The male being left to do a spot of house work and egg-minding no doubt.
We got back to the car park a little earlier than normal, so a quick dump of rucksacks into car, and we headed off to the lakeside.
Oh look, another cemetery. Funny how they just seem to pop up on these walks. Vampires feel at home near the dead. Isn't that right Ally.

Certain similarities were made between myself and the little un' on the right, yes the one with the funny ears.
I don't think any comment is needed, Freddie and Ally.
Oh, the title of this post......Well I won on both lines I put onto the Friday Euro lottery, and on last nights Lotto draw.....the problem being it was a total win of £54.20. So Freddie, we still have to work next week. SORRY. I'd have even bought Ally a goat for the front garden.
Here's to the next walk.......
the pictures are lovely looks as tho it turned out to be a nice day.
Now then..about this comment and none it the little un' on the far left..the one with less hair..the pink pink ears and the funny wee face you mean ???..see no comment just a question..hahaha
no luck here either on the lottery front but as soon as there's a win..a big win i'll bring your share right over...
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