Nearly nuked......

Well, 'Eggs is Eggs' nearly got sent to the Blog space in the sky. Was going to delete it, then wasn't. Was going to just let it fester in the background, then decided to just delete again.
And after decisions, decisions, decisions...
...I'm bloody here again.
Had a look up to Toni and Dave's new house on Saturday night, one of those housewarming do's where everyone seems to make their way from room to room, then a quick dash to the fridge. That Sunday 'morning after' feeling was one that I'd rather have done without, especially when the 'Monster' phone rang, with a request of "can we go walking ?, Oh go on, pleeeeeease"
Needless to say within the hour we had 'Monster' picked up, Tesco sandwiches stuffed in rucksack, and the car moving swiftly towards the hills.
We only went across to Roseberry Topping, or Raspberry Topping as monster calls it. I don't think ones stomach could have made it any farther in the car. Quite a nice day weather wise, and bloody busy. Seems most of Cleveland fancied climbing 'Raspberry'. Bet they didn't feel as bad as one sad Cheeky, or should I say hungover Cheeky.
We had the usual, monster dog pat in the car park, only these dogs were taller than monster.
The next hurdle, so to speak, was the fact she wanted to go straight up the face to the top. Not the nice gentle roundabout path, that gives us poor hungover souls a break....Oh no, straight up.

That's the "we're not resting, just taking in the view" picture
Well we made it, along with a gang of loud mouthed youths. I wasn't in the mood for yobs, the cliff edge looked very tempting....for their use, not mine.

That's the "bloody wait for us" picture
The last time we took 'Monster' up Roseberry, we collected pounds of brambles. The result being a nice assortment of pies, with a jar of jam just for luck. However, she had the idea of collecting again, so trying to explain it was the wrong time of can imagine.
We did have a wander around the back of Roseberry, just to make sure the brambles hadn't developed into spring brambles...but nothing. How dare mother nature upset my 'Little Monster'
The return walk back to the car was the usual "are we nearly there yet ?" sort of walk, but the hunt the feather game seemed to put a halt to the constant questioning.
A swift drive home, a swifter call on mam and an even swifter shower and bed.....ended a rather hungover day.

Filming you filming me filming you.
This weeks workplace events just aren't worth mentioning. Just the fact that Friday thankfully seems to be creeping up nicely.
So till next time, if there is one.....bye.
Where do I sign the petition to save the blog? The world needs Cheeky!
Besides, how else am I supposed to keep up with events in deepest, darkest Durham? - Seeing as we never seem to be online at the same time... and someone's forgotten how their email works...
Okay, I admit... I'm pretty slack on the email front too!
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