Fingers crossed...
Well it's been 3 weeks since Carols operation, to be honest it seems a lot longer, but also nice to be here at this time, with this blog announcement....
Carol has been told that as far as they can see, her cancer has been eliminated. To say I'm relieved is an understatement.
Many thanks to all the folks who sent kind words and thoughts. All were passed on to Carol as soon as possible. The only treatment we've been told about, is the weekly check-up to tend to the wound site.....a wound site that I'm pleased to say, I agreed to dress, and do dress, everyday. A thing I feel firstly saved Carol from a daily trip back to hospital, but also showed her how much I cared for her, something I feel she needed more than anything after the devastating news was delivered.
Since the op she's taken things easy, and slowly tried to get back to normal. Last weekend we took 'Monster' to Saltburn on the train. A trip I promised her months ago. Carol agreed and took the day well in her stride.
I must emphasize, our sandcastle was the only one to have a tunnel from one side to the other. A point I would also like to make, is the fact that my kite was the highest on the beach......Don't call me childish, but I bet my last rollo it was.

There was a few kites on the beach, all guided by the fathers or grandfathers of children...Well don't get me wrong, but this son of a bitch wasn't in any frame of mind to be beaten in the kite competition. Carol and 'Monster' lost interest in the kite thingy, but call me childish if you want, but I was the best on the day....hahaha

The evening was spent with 'Monster' getting soaked under the garden sprinkler, a task she took to heart, and loved...

Today's hospital visit was a quick check on the wounds. Not healing as fast as Carol would like, but healing far better than the experts imagined. Val, the cancer nurse, has been absolutely fantastic. A more helpful and caring person I couldn't imagine. We did see one other nurse when Val was off, but she didn't come anywhere near Val in her patient skills.
My apologies again to Freddie and Ally for the lack of interest in keeping in touch. My cyber interest just vanished......Oh and to Ian of Sausagenet fame. Many thanks also for your kind words directed towards Carol and myself.
One last pont to make................I didn't quite do the cartwheel

But nobody....and I mean nobody, was going to beat Cheeky in the Transilvania sandcastle competition.

I was just about giving up hope of reading another Cheeky post, but it's good to see you back.
Love to Carol... so pleased the news is good so far.
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