Happy as a Xmas tree...

This morning started with 'Monster' climbing into our bed, kissing me on the head, and stating she loved me.....but in a state of a slight hangover, she didn't get the reply she expected.
To get her to get dressed quickly, I said we would take Jip for a walk. It's amazing how she can turn on the speed when somethings coming that interests her. Jip came down to our house, and I must say ate the cat food first, before we all set off for a walk.
Down the burn 'Monster' said she heard a funny noise. Then again she shushed me and listened at a loud hollow rattle. On pointing out to her it was a woodpecker, she took off to search for Woody.
We did eventually find the little bird, but to be honest I think 'Monster was a little disappointed. A bird more like the cartoon would have been better, I feel.
We returned home, dropped off Jip and with Carol made our way to Darlington for a spot of shopping.
Now don't get me wrong, I can take a quick shop around a supermarket fine.....but when it involves buying a singing walking Christmas tree in the sale, well that's a different matter. The bloody tree sang in our trolley up and down every aisle, through the checkout and into the car park. I must admit the checkout girl had a look of "Oh God, not another of those trees". Didn't bother 'Monster though. Whenever it stopped she pressed its trunk, and away it went for another rendition of "I'm as happy as a *ucking Christmas tree". The *ucking wasn't the actual word it used, I just added that to express my feelings towards such an annoying little tree.
To get her to get dressed quickly, I said we would take Jip for a walk. It's amazing how she can turn on the speed when somethings coming that interests her. Jip came down to our house, and I must say ate the cat food first, before we all set off for a walk.
Down the burn 'Monster' said she heard a funny noise. Then again she shushed me and listened at a loud hollow rattle. On pointing out to her it was a woodpecker, she took off to search for Woody.
We did eventually find the little bird, but to be honest I think 'Monster was a little disappointed. A bird more like the cartoon would have been better, I feel.
We returned home, dropped off Jip and with Carol made our way to Darlington for a spot of shopping.
Now don't get me wrong, I can take a quick shop around a supermarket fine.....but when it involves buying a singing walking Christmas tree in the sale, well that's a different matter. The bloody tree sang in our trolley up and down every aisle, through the checkout and into the car park. I must admit the checkout girl had a look of "Oh God, not another of those trees". Didn't bother 'Monster though. Whenever it stopped she pressed its trunk, and away it went for another rendition of "I'm as happy as a *ucking Christmas tree". The *ucking wasn't the actual word it used, I just added that to express my feelings towards such an annoying little tree.
"Monster was dropped off at her home (Thank the Lord), and Carol and I made our way back to a nice fire. The problem being Jip appeared from an open front door, and just gave me that "Take me for a walk" look. So yes, after putting the shopping away we set off again.
The problem at night though is the fact that Jip's black, and to take him through the woods wasn't the best idea I've had. Firstly seeing him is impossible, and second the woods are pretty eerie in the dark. With rather large maglight torch in hand, Jip and I survived all the beasties and bogglies to return home safe and sound.
The Saturday night curry had to be made and the wine uncorked, which I must say led to Carol giving it Zzzzzzz's on the sofa within the hour. So an early night seems on the cards. I'm not complaining though. I think tomorrow's going to be a busy day. It's Eve's birthday tomorrow (hence the name) so we have to call at Mams to see the gang, and Santa as he makes his usual yearly trip around town. I just hope his driver is a little better than two years ago. As we all waved and the kids cheered, he reversed the bloody 'Santa lorry' and knocked over a lamp post. To hear the kids cry in shock that Santa had knocked over a lamp post, was pure joy.

Right that's it for todays post. If I don't get on before Christmas I'd like to wish anyone reading this, a very merry Christmas. All my friends and family I wish good health and happiness.
I just pray next year is better than this year's been.
Till next time........ Bog off X
But first on earth, as Vampyre sent,
Thy corpse shall from its tomb be rent;
Then ghastly haunt thy native place,
And suck the blood of all thy race;
There from thy daughter, sister, wife,
At midnight drain the stream of life;
Yet loathe the banquet, which perforce
Must feed thy livid living corpse,
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