Yep, still here...
Come on then, give me some creative juices to spill. Oh bollocks, be like that.
So a second post in the space of 24 hours. Hmm, I wonder if any of the bloggers who used to visit, come back. Be a pity if the silence stayed for eternity.
Awoke from the nightshift slumber around 12.30 this afternoon, rain and wind lashing the windows. The urge to turn over and snuggle back down lost to the need to get down the gym. Seems my interests might be returning after all. Even Toni said yesterday at the gym, that we all need 'me time'. Maybe she's right, maybe a little 'time out' is just what I need.
The gym was surprisingly quiet today, the odd old dear practicing for the tour de France on the bikes, and the ever present wrinkly body builder trying to maybe impress the old dear, like he could years ago. Mp3 turned on, Ear plugs firmly embedded in ones canal, and off I went."
"The skinhead undead has entered the building"

Now didn't I say the treadmill was out of order..
I haven't seen Jip today. For those who don't know Jip is the streets dog. I say 'streets dog' as it seems he's adopted more than one family for walks. Kirsty found him a couple of years ago abandoned down the burn. she couldn't see him put down but at the same time didn't have enough room for him to stay. Karen and Jimmy next door agreed to take him until anyone came foreword. Investigations were made and Jips owners said they didn't want him, so hey presto Karen had a new member of the family.
Monster and I take him out whenever we can, the retired bloke over the road takes him out, Karen takes him out, he pops over the back fence and stops with the old lady till he feels like returning home, he slips in our kitchen when we're not looking and eats the cat food (to date, the cat hasn't been eaten), even the refuse collectors have bought him a reflective waistcoat and every week Jip jumps into the cab and gets a ride up the street. You have to laugh when you think about the taxes we pay for refuse collecting, and our lads are up the street playing football with Jip once a week. I'll have to get a photo for the blog of our street 'scruff'..In fact hold on and I'll put one on from my phone. Not very clear but you'll get the gist.

Monster's the one on the right.
Well, for a second post in two days that's all your going to get. Nightshift calls so I'd better make tracks.
Before I go, I don't think I've posted any photos of Nikkis wedding. Well of course one of my favorites has to be Monster, she's on the left with Jordan on the right...

Till next time....X
Oi, bodybuilder!
Don't be so hard on yourself... I'm sure the old dears are still impressed by your wrinkly bits...
Once they've stopped laughing, that is!
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