God Bless Arnie
Firstly I'd just like to mention an old workmate who sadly passed away over xmas. After a lot of thought Arnie retired just three years ago. A lovely person, hard worker and all round Gentleman. We didn't find out of his sudden death until starting back to work on Tuesday.
I do so wish he'd have enjoyed more of his retirement than he did.
I'll be thinking of all the tales he would tell us at work about his life experiences.
Arnie Foster..A man who's help, advice and friendship at work, I'll always be grateful of. Thanks Arnie X
Well that's another year over, back to the humdrum of work. And with this being our first 6 till 2 shift this year, it's also the first tired and twisty week of the year.
Well Charlie's moved from the dept, and in his place I've been joined by Steve. Nice lad and keen to learn the job, but why the hell do they train a temporary worker up, when they also say they refuse to make them permanent. I say why ?, but we all know why, they're bloody easier to get rid of. Thing is, you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as he's trained, he'll find a better and more secure job and leave anyway. You can't blame them, but I must have had half a dozen workmates to train in the past 18 months........Maybe it's me. Hahaha

OH, nearly forgot... HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAVE A GOOD ONE
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