Well, another quick post before bed. Just booked two days holidays in at work, ready for the Depeche Mode concert at Manchester. It isn't till March 30th but still can't wait. Mates tend to say "Depeche Mode, are they still going ?"...Well lads, yep, and going very well actually. I've seen a few groups over the years and got to say The 'Mode' still have to be one of the best groups live. The night is electric, so electric that if I didn't have a shaven heed, my hair would stick up.
Been a rather uneventful day today. Work, then straight to the gym. Gym and 6 till 2 shifts just don't go together, but one must do ones best.....or so they tell you.
Tried to update the Joseph Simpson blog but came home rather later than expected, so only put a fraction of what I wanted to on the site. Check it out anyway if you feel inclined.
Going to call it a night, hope to be inspired tomorrow, but don't hold your breath.
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