Ta Luv.

"Oh porcelain God, please be kind to me"
Must admit though, the bacon butty went down a treat.....Bless me little darling.
The gym got some hammer this afternoon, seems to be more enjoyable these days. Don't know why the membership hasn't suddenly increased though since Xmas. We all expected the ' God I need to be slim for the beach' members joining, but not a great influx yet. Maybe when the holiday adverts get into full swing eh.
Oh, a one for Ally.Cheeky's had no alcohol since New Years Eve. See even the undead can muster up a little will power. Hmm, this weekend's gonna be a tester. I'll probably crumble on Saturday night lol. It hasn't been too difficult, but Carol's getting a little tired of the New Age Cheeky......except, rather than 'HUG A TREE' Cheeky has 'HUG A FRIDGE'. the poor cans must be getting lonely in there.

"Our Father,
who art in the kitchen
Please take care of my cans.
And if you ever catch me there
Please Lord slap my hands.....Amen"
Well, I finaly got round to completing the skirting board, painting the cupboard out and generaly finishing off after the new fire and combi boiler was fitted. Why is it that when you put off finishing a job, it takes an age to get back into it. Looks like I've got white freckles at the moment, I think a shower is in order before work.
Therefore I shall say "Till next time" X
Willpower's good... if you keep this up, that pint I'm meant to buy you will be mineral water!
Shit and damnation.....I never thought of that.
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