Well Fridays score at work was 'Cheeky 0 Boss 1', to be honest when he approached with the dreaded overtime list, one Cheeky fled behind the machine and peeped over the top like a bald Chad, he just laughed. "I don't suppose you want to work the weekend" now if any question was daft, that was it. But after a bit of haggling I got the 12 hours Saturday and Sunday, down to 6 hours Saturday morning. Feeling like a champion I agreed to work Saturday, only to find out later that he only needed me in Saturday morning, but knew if he made me feel as though I'd won, I'd agree......One lesson learnt. wait till next time Dave.
Saturday afternoon was to be a quiet few hours, till 'Monster' phoned with the great idea of me taking her and her friend Big Lauren around the 5 mile circuit of town. Agreeing, both Carol and I set off with two monsters in tow. The weather was good for the time of year, but after the mornings rain both kids ended up covered in mud and crap. How, I don't know.
Someone else's kids are a bit like someone else's dog. You can take them out enjoying their company, then dump them off at home for someone else to clean down. FANTASTIC or what.

Having said that, some dogs are just waiting for a wipe down...I'm not totally bone idle

This morning started with a visit to the gym, and a quieter than usual gym at that. Seems the whole hotel's quiet after the Xmas rush, but who's complaining ?.
Called round Mams on the way home. With me taking her out on Friday, and her being out with Enid yesterday, she seems a little happier in herself. I imagine she's looking forward to the better weather and more days out.
Night shift this week, so here's to a quick return of Friday. Now I know what people mean when they say "Don't wish your life away". Not so much as wishing my life away, as just wishing the work days away.
Well that's it for now....... I still wonder who reads these ramblings. Seems no one likes the blog guestbooks. It's a pity the blog world members seem to be shrouded in a mist of secrecy. Anyone reading this who fancies just adding a few words, please feel free. I'd love to know a little more of where people come from, who they are, their interests and why the hell they should be reading all this gobbledygook.
Still, as we say here "Catch ya later, hinny"
Till next time X