Well before I try and edit yesterdays post, I thought of posting about todays outing.
I had Northumberland in mind this morning, Holy Island to be more precise. The tide was out till 18.15 so plenty of time to get up there, drive across the causeway, look around and get back across to the mainland before the tide came in. But as ever the 9am 'Monster' phone rang loud and clear. The little voice on the other end asked if we were going out, and could she come ?. Me being the "cough cough" hard straight talking sort, crumbled and agreed the tiny terror could come out with us.
Now Holy Island is a lovely place, but to a 7 year old might just be a little short on excitement. A quick think and I decided on a boat trip across to the Farne Islands. To those who don't know, the Islands are home to one of the largest collection of poo dropping birds and seals. I mention "poo" dropping birds because the first piece of advice when visiting the Islands, is to wear a hat. Now me having such long golden locks, the first thing to pack was a baseball cap. Little monster and the other half both followed with caps.
See, all women follow the example of a good man......one expects a reply from Ally or Fred

Oh by the way, the photos are a few from todays selection.
The trip North wasn't too bad, 'Monster' actually lasted about 20 miles before asking the question all adults dread "ARE WE THERE YET ?"
On arrival at Seahouses she spotted the rock pools down by the shoreline, and forgetting the exciting day I the bald beauty had planned, seemed bloody content to buy a bucket and spade and look for crabs and the like.

The boat was booked, but the (rather nice) girl advised to make our way straight to the lighthouse at the end of the harbour wall, as the boat was due in within 10 mins. Now then, let's get this short walk put into context. We had to make it in 10 mins, yes. But we also had to pass all the stalls selling burgers, chips and candy floss. Monster took to doing the acting of an Italian footballer, if she didn't have burger, chips or candy floss within seconds, she would surely drop on the spot and die. But the little white lie I gave about the boat just about to leave, tended to drop the emergency down to a grumble.....and did she grumble along the pier to the boat pick-up point.
The sea going out to the islands was as calm as calm could be. Cold yes, and me flashing my rather lovely legs in a rather fetching pair of shorts, made the cold feel like a life threatening freeze. I had goosebumps on me bumps.
Nearing the Islands the captain said he would make a detour towards two other boats he'd spotted circling a small area. I just thought the two boats he meant, had captains who'd taken too much ale. But no, they'd spotted a pod of dolphins. Carol and monster couldn't have been more excited, and to be honest that's all I want. If they are happy, I'm happy.
On arrival to the main island the sight was so funny. People being dive bombed, attacked and crapped on by the arctic terns. Me laughing and pointing with Lauren faded into fear as we realised we too had to make our way up the steps and be pecked by the little sods....er birdies.
I'll continue with the post, but may I again add that the 'ADD IMAGE' has again packed in. I wonder if it's the wireless laptop that stops it.
Anyway, we made our way around the island for the hour we had. The bloody sodding terns must have taken me as a BIG threat, they had a good go at trying to peck through my cap and spoiling the golden locks beneath....no comments Fred or Ally....or any bugger else for that matter.
Monster clicked away with her new camera, she must have taken more photos of her feet than anybody has ever taken. But to be honest she did get a photo of a puffin in its hole with one click. I had to laugh at the bloke sat all in camouflage trying to get the same shot. Maybe his would have been more professional, but the way she just walked up to the hole, bent down and clicked quite a good shot, made me smile. The poor bloke could have been sat there for hours.
The boat captain gave us a nice bit of history about Grace Darling, showed us where she lived on the island, and even took us on the route she rowed to save the crewmen she was famous for. I think 'Monster was a little tired by then, and rather cold. We returned to make our way directly to the Fish 'n' Chip shop, sat down to Fish, chips and mushy peas. Oh and a big pot of hot tea each. Sea explorers have to have a hot drink, before returning home to the lager in the fridge.
Well I'll post this, move upstairs and try to upload the photos I wanted to on the main computer. If anyone has any advice about the problem I'm having loading photos....please get in touch.
There Ally, another post thanks to you. I almost carried on North towards the land of the goat fearing garlic chomper.......the captain said he would have dropped me off at Kirkwall if he'd had enough fuel........watch that horizon, one vampire on his way soon.....the bedroom window be cast in a shadow of evil. X