Well it's been a busy but enjoyable day today, took monster to meet Dracula...well, rather we had a day at Whitby, the Yorkshire town that Bram Stoker was supposed to use in his novel 'Dracula'. When the black dog escaped from the storm ravaged ship, and ran up the 199 steps to the Abbey, it was Whitby Abbey he had in mind.

'Little Monster' seemed intrigued with the tale, asking constantly where Drac' was. The town was packed with a mixture of tourists, walkers and locals, with the odd 'goth' trudging past in search of all things black.
I told Monster about the 199 steps leading down from the Abbey to the town, and as we started our descent, 'monster' started her counting. If she lost count once, she lost count a dozen times. However, can we correct history here and now.......She calculated 235 steps going down, and 210 going back up........and I for one wasn't going to argue.

Oh, the first place she looked for the figure in a black cape, was the graveyard on top of the cliffs. No Dracula, but the sight of me shouting at her to get of the flippin' headstones, must have made a few wonder just what was lurking among the graves.

Candy Floss was the first order of the day when we made it down the steps. Candy Floss, fish 'n' chips and a can of pop, all before we set sail on the boat trip. I imagined the bucket and spade coming in handy....but no, all was well. Blue lips and frozen fingers later, and we made it to dry land, only for 'Monster' to demand a spot of sand castle building. Now don't get me wrong, sand castle building is fine, but when it's freezing cold....stuff that. The tide had come in by the time we reached the little bit of beach she had set her heart on, and boy was I pleased. A little tantrum followed, but 'monster' seemed to realise it was 1-0 to the tide. As we made our way back to the steps, some bloody woman shouted to her child, "There's some sand down here sweetheart". I could have grabbed her by the throat and demanded silence, but it was too late, our 'Little Monster' was off down the alleyway, in the direction the loud mouth pointed to. It was freezing, the wind was biting off the sea, and guess who took her shoes and socks off to paddle ?. I shivered just watching her, she wasn't in long though......too cold.

The tall ship in harbour caught 'monsters' eye, and we soon had our £12.50 handed over and were making our way gingerly down the gang plank. We were met on board by a rather authentic looking 'seaman stains', who proceeded to tell us there was a pirate on board. Was that going to frighten 'Monster' ??? Don't be daft....
She took to the sailing part, like a duck to water. I imagined her lifting anchor and setting off for foreign shores.

When we found the pirate below decks, I don't know who was more frightened of the other...Monster or him. He did make her a nice necklace though. Bloody good job too, or he'd be walking the plank I fear.