Well, I made it to the gym today. After a rather labored spring from the pit this morning, I had to use a little more self willpower to get going. The driveway up to the gym and adjoining hotel was absolutely packed with parked cars, vans and anything else you can imagine parking. Now then, believe it or not, even I realized something was on at the hotel, but to my horror I was instructed by a young and rather frozen lad on car park duty, that it was a wedding exhibition. The bloody place was heaving with excited young ladies and rather nervous looking fathers, soon to be relieved of a few cheque book pages no doubt.
After doing the car park obstacle course It was a relief to enter a rather empty gym, and a totally empty rowing machine section. So it was off for the trans Atlantic rowing record, and a quick sly glance at the new lady instructor....er, cough cough... a totally polite glance may I add.
Called round mams on the way back, she seems a lot better since she had her insulin reduced a few weeks ago. The thought of finding her on the floor in a coma again, wasn't very welcome.
Back home and on with the computer for a quick look around. Seems Freddie might think I've been avoiding her lately, well Freddie me darlin'. You don't get rid of a Cheeky that easily.
Tonight it's a house of cards, wedding invitations to be exact. Align, score and fold...align, score and fold....."yes dear, just leave me to it"
Bloody weddings, Nikkis wedding seems ages off, but maybe I'm just ignoring the fact that it's creeping up, fast.
Just been back into the weird world of Sausagenet, and actually it'll be nice to hear from the likes of Ally, Willow, Widow, Ian, Monk (I still call him Monk),Jules 1 2 or 3, Bill, Briz, Rabbit......oh they know who they all are, crazy all of em.
Yesterday some had a meet up, and maybe in the future they'll be a skinheaded vampire popping along, who knows.
So not much else to post about in the rather dull world of Cheeky.
Oh one little buddy popped online for a chat earlier. Me mate Hayden, Freddies nephew. Seems his wee memory might be a little less clear than he thinks. I recall when we played basketball at Freddies last Sept, I won. Yes I know it's hard to believe someone doubts that, but I'm sure I won. I also seem to remember he kicked me everytime I went to so gracefully take a shot at the shopping basket thingy. Now the little begger has the nerve to think he beat me.
Actually, I think maybe he did win one game, or was it two ??? Oh hell, go on I'll own up, he won hands down. Then had the cheek to drag me down the garden and make me lift him up on the wee seesaw, with his sister Leya sat on the other end may I add.
Well guys, next time there's two ice creams going to the winner......ME.

Be afraid kids, be very afraid. Cheeky's coming for revenge
(is this the time to wish I never said that)