As the title states, it's been a busy afternoon. Got up at 1 after a rather somewhat grumpy sleep. Strange how I'm shattered during the night at work, but don't sleep well when I get home.
Harold's off work for a couple of weeks at least, we do joke on with him, but he's in agony with his knees. There talking of knee replacement operations, but surprise surprise, seems hes too young, at 59 and only a few years before retirement, how the hell can they say he's too young. Tell you what, this bloody government seems to forget people like him have worked all their lives, and put into the system. Unlike some of the bloody low lifes who crawl around this land, taking, taking and taking, and never putting back.
Well that's me rant out of the way.
Been to the gym today.

Had to go straight away on getting up, or else I know me, I wouldn't have got there. Seems since the manager and assistant manager walked out on Xmas eve, things have'nt quite got back to speed. The standard of cleanliness and organisation is lacking at the moment but I'm sure it'll get sorted in time.
Well I better make tracks, only a short shift tomorrow, 6 till midnight, then Saturday I'm supposed to be in Darlington getting me suit sorted for Nikkis wedding. Seems a bit early to me, but I've been requested to go so I shall be there.
Oh hell, I better move, I need me bait putting up for work. Mind you, pouring the milk for me porridge into a beaker, can't take that long eh...